With great enthusiasm, the SCHOOL OF TELECOMS visited the facilities of the Model Vocational High School of Perama, following an invitation from the Secondary Education Advisor, Mr. Lefteris Chondroyiannis, to conduct a seminar as part of the educational activities of the 6th Regional Center for Educational Planning of Attica, titled: “Fiber Optic Cabling Training Seminar.”
This specific training was organized by the Model Vocational High School of Perama and the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Automation in collaboration with the Electronics Education Advisor PE 84 of the Secondary Education Directorate of Piraeus, Mr. Chondroyiannis. The training was related to the course “Telecommunications-Telematics” for the third-year Electronics specialty students of vocational high schools and took place on April 16, 2024.
The seminar was based on the “Fiber Optic Cabling Technician” training, which was created by the SCHOOL OF TELECOMS and leads to the Certified Fiber Cabling Technician (FOCT) certification, an accreditation recognized under the international standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012 by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD). The FOCT certification is a collaboration between the SCHOOL OF TELECOMS and ACTA, a spin-off of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The participating colleagues belonged to the PE 84 sector, served in vocational high schools, and were part of the Secondary Education Directorate of Piraeus, having taught or having experience in the relevant vocational high school course.
During the seminar, fellow educators had the opportunity to be informed about recent developments in the fiber optics industry and FTTH technology in Greece. Additionally, they participated in laboratory activities that included fusion splicing and information on fiber optic termination methods. These activities helped enhance the participants’ understanding of modern technology and the needs of the optical communications sector.
The seminar fully met the expectations of the school’s educators as it perfectly combined necessary theory with practice. It was tailored to the school reality and helped educators approach the subject from their students’ perspective.
Finally, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the principal of the Model Vocational High School of Perama, Mr. Mouratidis, for his hospitality and positive contribution to the successful conduct of the seminar.